Footprints Neil Baird

Unser Anteil am Klimawandel: Wie viel CO² produzieren wir jährlich?

Karen und Adam, Lebenskünstler, 4.8 und 6.9 Tonnen CO²

Karen und Adam leben und arbeiten in den Wäldern im Süden Englands. Sie stellen Kohlekreide her und kümmern sich mithilfe der „Coppicing„-Technik um die Bäume des Waldes. Der Unterschied ihres Fußabdrucks ist bedingt durch die (wenigen) Wege, die Karen und Adam mit dem Auto zurücklegen.

‘We think of this as a carbon neutral business. With the coppicing, we’re restoring old hazel. When we came here it was getting old and large, and starting to collapse. Old trees don’t consume as much carbon as a young tree. Where we’ve got the young stools coming up, they’re consuming much more carbon. So this woodland is now consuming more carbon than before we started managing it. Climate change is a big issue. Where possible I like to buy local, but it often comes down to money if I’m buying new. I drive a lot and I keep an old diesel vehicle on the road and I use recycled chip fat biofuel when I can. I don’t really think about climate change when I travel. If I have the funds and want or need to go somewhere, I go. While the elite are making money from war, I don’t feel me and my van will make a lot of difference when there are fighter jets burning more fuel on take off than me making a thousand mile journey.’